Shocking figures show largest fall in long-term savings since 2006s - Ros Altmann

    Ros is a leading authority on later life issues, including pensions,
    social care and retirement policy. Numerous major awards have recognised
    her work to demystify finance and make pensions work better for people.
    She was the UK Pensions Minister from 2015 – 16 and is a member
    of the House of Lords where she sits as Baroness Altmann of Tottenham.

  • Ros Altmann

    Ros Altmann

    Shocking figures show largest fall in long-term savings since 2006s

    Shocking figures show largest fall in long-term savings since 2006s

    Shocking figures show largest
    fall in long-term savings since 1970s

    by Dr. Ros Altmann

    (All material on this page is subject to copyright and must not be reproduced without the author’s permission.)

    Short-sighted policy encouraging
    spending now instead of saving for tomorrow is dangerous for all of

    Chancellor should recognise
    importance of savers for long-term growth in his Autumn Statement

    People taking money out of
    long-term savings:

    Analysis of Bank of England figures, showing £23bn has been taken
    out of long-term savings in the past year, is truly troubling. Cash
    and instant access account holdings have risen sharply, suggesting
    people have decided to spend their money now, rather than save for
    the future. This is the sharpest decline in long-term saving since
    the crisis years of the 1970s.

    Funding for Lending has caused
    sharp drop in rates as banks don’t need savers money:
    interest rates having fallen so low, it is indeed not so surprising
    to see savers giving up on long-term saving, however that is
    dangerous for all of us. The Bank of England’s Funding for Lending
    scheme started in July 2012 and caused a sharp drop in savings rates,
    as banks no longer needed savers’ money because the Bank of England
    was supplying them will billions of pounds of almost free money.

    Savers losing money in real
    terms month after month as rates stay below inflation:
    economy needs people to be saving for their own future, rather than
    relying on others if things go wrong. However, in the current policy
    environment, people are losing money in real terms on their savings
    accounts month after month, as interest rates have fallen behind
    inflation, which sends the clear signal that the authorities do not
    value savers.

    Economy is growing, but Bank of
    England keeps rates low, so savers have given up:
    as growth picks up, interest rates would be rising. However, despite
    the economic rebound, with consumer spending powering ahead and
    rising mortgage lending and house prices, the Bank of England insists
    that interest rates will stay near zero for the next couple of years
    at least. Hardly a surprise that savers are just giving up on the
    prospect of a fair return on their money.

    Short-sighted policy driven more
    by politics but bad economics:
    short-sighted policy may be good politics but it is very bad
    economics. No economy can thrive in the long run without people
    saving and investing for the future. If you just withdraw money to
    spend today, then growth in future will be lower.

    Repeating mistakes that led to
    the crisis – growth based on consumption, borrowing and house price
    The economic
    meltdown from which we are now recovering was caused by excess debt,
    house price inflation and unsustainable borrowing. We seem to be
    repeating the same mistakes again, rather than learning the lessons
    of history and encouraging more responsible long-term attitudes.

    Policy has destroyed incentives
    to save:
    Measures are
    urgently needed to restore credibility to David Cameron’s
    pre-election pronouncement that “We
    need to make a really big change: from an economy built on debt to an
    economy built on savings.” Sadly, so far, his Government’s
    policies have destroyed the incentive to save.

    Autumn Statement should address
    problems of savers:
    would urge the Chancellor to
    use his Autumn Statement as an opportunity to recognise the damage
    done to savers and introduce some measures to improve their position.
    The following measures would be a good start:

    1. Increase ISA allowances
      so that savers can at least earn more of their meagre savings income
      tax free. This is the equivalent of a rise in interest rates.
      There are rumours that the chancellor is thinking of capping ISA
      savings, that would be totally the wrong policy decision.

    2. Introduce a special extra ISA
      allowance for people to use to save for long-term care

      spending, this money being tax free if spent on care for themselves
      of a loved one

    3. Relax restrictions on ISAs
      so that people can choose whether to hold cash or stocks and shares
      and move freely between the two and also allow Child Trust Funds to
      be switched into Junior ISAs

    4. Reform the annuity markets so
      that people can get much better value for their long-term pension

    5. Incentivise financial advice in
      the workplace
      to help
      people plan their finances – the current tax relief on financial
      advice is only £150 per worker, and only covers pension advice, not
      advice for other long-term savings. This is far too low to deliver
      meaningful advice

    Dr. Ros Altmann
    4 December 2013

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