Ex Pensions Minister Ros Altmann speak in support of WASPI
The WASPI campaign highlights Ros’ support for over 60s women.
The WASPI campaign highlights Ros’ support for over 60s women.
Ros is quoted in a YorkshirePost leader column which quotes her speech in the House of Lords calling for special immigration status for care workers. With staff shortages, it is vital to ensure sufficient workers can look after our most vulnerable. Low paid does not mean low skilled or low value!
This is Money quotes Ros calling for a halt to pension transfers as half of DB transfers are said to have hallmark signs of pension scams, ( link to pdf )
Ros recorded a podcast for PensionsExpert magazine talking about funding problems for DB schemes if the proposed new ‘low risk’ funding code is adopted – plus other topical issues.
Aberdeen Evening Express quotes Ros calling on Government to give pension providers better powers to stop risky pension transfers.
Ros is quoted by the Mail on Sunday calling on Government to step in to help bereaved relatives unable to sell inherited retirement properties who are forced to pay penalty council tax bills. ( link to pdf )
Ros writes on AgeWage blog about the campaign for pensions justice which saw 140,000 workers and their families
Ros is quoted by Interactive Investor explaining that many older women are being forced into retirement by Covid 19 fallout. ( link to pdf )
Ros published an article in Reward Strategy magazine, explaining why pensions are so vital to the strategy for staff remuneration – and latest changes being considered.
Ros calls for free basic social care in her Money Marketing column. ( link to pdf )