Daily Mail article outlining injustices of Government policy
Article published in Daily Mail on 24 September 2007 explaining why the lack of compensation for pension victims is indefensible after the hurried bail-out of Northern Rock depositors.
Article published in Daily Mail on 24 September 2007 explaining why the lack of compensation for pension victims is indefensible after the hurried bail-out of Northern Rock depositors.
Ros’ comments on extracts from Hansard showing the answers given by Tony Blair to questions from David Cameron which called for improvements to the FAS, asked for a Treasury emergency loan to be given to help his constituent who has leukaemia, is 68 and has had no pension and no FAS.
Release highlighting the injustice of Government immediately rescuing Northern Rock savers with a 100% guarantee, while continuing to maintain that taxpayers can’t compensate pension victims who have been struggling for years with no pension.
Article published in Money Marketing magazine explaining the injustices of bailing out Northern Rock savers 100% while offering pension savers far less security.
Article for Saga website explaining the basics about Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs).
Ros points to the interim Report of the DWP Review of FAS scheme assets, which validates her long-held view that not annuitising these assets would be much better for members, would save money for the taxpayer and would allow increased compensation without extra taxpayer costs. Appendix E in the review also highlights how a scheme to collect unclaimed life policies such as from Ireland, could raise £230m initially and then £70m a year thereafter.
Ros explains for the press that the cross-party Lifeboat plans would not entail taking any money from other pension schemes or from orphan assets and that the ABI has misunderstood the proposals. Assets with owners and orphan estates need not be touched.
Briefing for MPs on why Government’s criticisms of Lifeboat amendments are unjustified.
Ros comments on the FAS annual report which shows this ‘assistance’ scheme has paid more for official costs of running it than it has to those who lost their pensions. She calls on the new Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, to draw a line with the past, move away from spin and end the shambles of the Financial Assistance Scheme.
Release announcing that the Tories will hold their first-ever fringe meeting at the LABOUR party conference on 25 September 2007, to call on the Government to compensate victims at least to PPF levels, then followed by another ‘Stripped of Our Pensions’ demonstration.