Summary of some of the main findings of Parliamentary Ombudsman report
Highlights of the evidence and findings of the Parliamentary Ombudsman report aTrusting in the pensions Promise’.
Highlights of the evidence and findings of the Parliamentary Ombudsman report aTrusting in the pensions Promise’.
Article printed in Money Marketing asking how Government can hope to restore confidence in pensions, if it ignores the Parliamentary Ombudsman report and refuses to acknowledge its mistakes in handling final salary pensions.
A timeline of the events since the 1990’s which led to the injustices suffered by the 85,000 or more victims of pension scheme wind-ups, showing clearly how Government must bear the responsibility.
Ros’ evidence submitted to Parliamentary Ombudsman inquiry on behalf of all those who have lost their pensions on scheme wind-up.
Notes prepared for meeting with Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, John Hutton, when workers who have lost their pensions on scheme wind-up met him to explain how they were misled by the Government and could have protected their pensions if they had known the truth. Also criticising the FAS.
Press Release announcing that the Judicial Review hearing will take place in the High Court on 7th February 2007 and that the hearing has been expedited due to the suffering of the victims who have lost their pensions.
Press Release announcing the launch of a Judicial Review against the Government claiming its rejection of the Parliamentary Ombudsman’s report is both illegal and irrational.
Note explaining why the announced aextension’ of the Financial Assistance Scheme is little more than a public relations exercise, designed to buy backbench silence, rather than helping those who have lost their pensions.
Press Release welcoming the Parliamentary Ombudsman’s report and hoping that Government will comply with the recommendations.
Press Release highlighting the Government’s shameful attempts to frighten pension wind-up victims into dropping the Judicial Review and also trying to exclude tens of thousands of people from any successful outcome of the European court case.