LibDem MP briefing on Parliamentary Ombudsman report
Presentation given to LibDem MPs explaining the background to the Parliamentary Ombudsman report.
Presentation given to LibDem MPs explaining the background to the Parliamentary Ombudsman report.
Press Release welcoming the verdict in the High Court Judicial Review which found against the Government and ruled that the rejection of the Ombudsman’s report was unlawful and irrational.
Article published in Public Service Review: Finance, Summer 2004, arguing the case for compensation for those who have suffered the injustice of losing their company pension on scheme wind-up.
Presentation handout given to MPs at a meeting of backbenchers to discuss the Government’s rejection of the Parliamentary Ombudsman report and explaining why this rejection is wrong.
Presentation given to a group of backbench MPs explaining the background to the pension losses on scheme wind-ups and the flaws in the Government’s rejection of the Ombudsman’s report.
Article written for Birmingham Evening Post following Labour Party Conference, asking the chancellor to remember social justice for victims of pension scheme wind-ups.
Article published in ‘Engaged Investor’ explaining why Government announcements on the Financial Assistance Scheme do not remedy the injustices suffered by wind-up victims.
Ros’s response to the DWP consultation paper on regulations for the Financial Assistance Scheme – explaining why it is hopelessly inadequate.
Presentation for Pensions Summit at House of Commons, 21st March 2005, outlining the need for Government to agree proper compensation for victims of scheme wind-ups
Feature article published in Financial Adviser explaining why the Financial Assistance Scheme is inadequate and outlining hopes for the Parliamentary Ombudsman inquiry to rectify the injustices suffered by victims of pension scheme wind-ups.