Why the £400m Financial Assistance Scheme is inadequate
Note explaining why the Government’s proposed £400m Financial Assistance Scheme is wholly inadequate and cannot rectify the injustices suffered by wind-up victims.
Note explaining why the Government’s proposed £400m Financial Assistance Scheme is wholly inadequate and cannot rectify the injustices suffered by wind-up victims.
Press release discussing of figures released by the DWP, showing its estimates of numbers of people potentially eligible for the Financial Assistance Scheme.
Document prepared for Parliamentary Ombudsman, listing the detailed complaints of maladministration of occupational pensions by various Government departments. She is being asked to investigate these complaints, with a view to recommending compensation for the victims.
Guide to help members who have lost their pensions fill in the Parliamentary Ombudsman official complaint form. Instructions as to which sections to fill in, what evidence to submit and a copy of the form.
Press release explaining that the FSA refuses to accept any responsibility for telling members of final salary schemes that their pensions were guaranteed, when in fact they weren’t. It criticises the double standards apparently being used by the Regulator.
Paper explaining double standards of the FSA, when using word aguaranteed’ in its own literature, to describe final salary pensions which were not guaranteed at all.
Article published in aThe Actuary’ magazine, entitled aThe Truth about Pensions’ explaining how the Treasury failed to listen to the Actuaries’ warnings about pension scheme wind-ups in 2000 and why compensation from the Government is essential in order to restore confidence in pensions.
Press release discussing the problems for T & N pension scheme members and the inadequacy of the Government’s £400 million Financial Assistance Scheme.
Note for DWP, explaining why Government should ask schemes in wind-up to delay buying annuities, in view of the lack of supply, poor rates and possibility of pooling all the assets to organise compensation more cheaply on an ongoing basis.
Letter published in Money Marketing magazine in June 2004, explaining why I believe that Government must compensate and my role in helping pro-bono, not as any kind or paid lobbyist.