Campaigning for Justice Archives - Page 7 of 16 - Ros Altmann

    Ros is a leading authority on later life issues, including pensions,
    social care and retirement policy. Numerous major awards have recognised
    her work to demystify finance and make pensions work better for people.
    She was the UK Pensions Minister from 2015 – 16 and is a member
    of the House of Lords where she sits as Baroness Altmann of Tottenham.

  • Ros Altmann

    Ros Altmann

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    Category: Campaigning for Justice

    We deliver a Premium Bond victory: How our campaign on behalf of furious readers has forced NS&I to scrap plan to stop sending cheques in the post

    We deliver a Premium Bond victory: How our campaign on behalf of furious readers has forced NS&I to scrap plan to stop sending cheques in the post

    Ros is quoted by ThisIsMoney welcoming the news that National Savings and Investments NS&I has reversed its decision to stop sending prize cheques for premium bonds and congratulates the Daily Mail campaign. ( link to pdf )

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    Help hard-up elderly relatives and friends apply for pension credit when you meet up after lockdown, urges ROS ALTMANN

    Help hard-up elderly relatives and friends apply for pension credit when you meet up after lockdown, urges ROS ALTMANN

    This Is Money Daily Mail website quotes Ros’ call for everyone to help poorer elderly people to understand how much more money they might receive from Pension Credit and the other benefits it opens the door to – thousands of pounds a year may be waiting for them. ( link to pdf )

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    Blow for parents of disabled children locked out of their Child Trust Funds as government says it’s up to the courts to fix lock out affecting up to 200,000

    Blow for parents of disabled children locked out of their Child Trust Funds as government says it’s up to the courts to fix lock out affecting up to 200,000

    Ros is quoted calling on the Government and Courts to find ways to unlock the Child Trust Funds of disabled children who are turning 18, but find their money is locked unless their parents go to Court which takes hours of form-filling and months of waiting. ( link to pdf )

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    Government faces another grilling over attempts to fix Child Trust Fund lock out affecting 200,000 amid fears a long-term solution is ‘some way off’

    Government faces another grilling over attempts to fix Child Trust Fund lock out affecting 200,000 amid fears a long-term solution is ‘some way off’

    Ros is quoted by the Daily Mail calling for Ministers to help parents of disabled children access their Child Trust Fund money, rather than forcing them to fill in reams of forms and go to Court. ( link to pdf )

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    Ros Altmann: The end of free TV licences for older people offers a chance to boost the take-up of Pension Credit

    Ros Altmann: The end of free TV licences for older people offers a chance to boost the take-up of Pension Credit

    Ros wrote a piece for ConservativeHome website, calling for a campaign to raise take-up of Pension Credit to help more pensioners avoid poverty and receive benefits they are entitled to. ( link to pdf )

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