Hard Brexit could deny British expats their pensions
Article written for infacts.org
Article written for infacts.org
Money Marketing article highlighting shocking discoveries in a Channel 4 documentary of major failings in the Financial Ombudsman Service.
New Statesman article on Brexit.
Money Marketing – Ros article calling for rethinking of SSAS new rules
Daily Mirror article and Comment piece about Government Actuary’s warning of aging population requiring rise in taxes to fund National Insurance State Pension
Ros wrote an article published in the Yorkshire Post explain why it’s so important to ban cold calling urgently
Ros wrote her Money Marketing column on the need to make free guidance the automatic first step before people take money out of their pensions
Ros wrote an Observer comment piece with Patience Wheatcroft about Brexit insults and threats being symptomatic of the forces unleashed by Brexit and the need for Brexit to be controlled by Parliament, not the Executive
Ros did an interview with GlintPerspectives magazine explaining how QE has contributed to a pensions timebomb for the future