Telegraph – Ban high charges for annuity broking
The Daily Telegraph published Ros’ views that annuity purchasers should receive advice, rather than paying high fees to brokers who offer no regulatory protection and no advice
The Daily Telegraph published Ros’ views that annuity purchasers should receive advice, rather than paying high fees to brokers who offer no regulatory protection and no advice
Ros was interviewed by InvestmentSense magazine ‘In the Spotlight’ section. She explains her thinking that advice is essential for anyone considering buying an annuity
Ros’ warnings about annuities being the biggest gamble many people will ever take were featured as the front page Splash in the Daily Mail.
Ros wrote a letter to the London Evening Standard explaining that there are downsides to keeping interest rates so low for so long.
Ros wrote an article for CityAM discussing latest figures showing opt out rates from auto enrolment to be very low so far.
Ros wrote an opinion piece for the Yorkshire Post commenting on the findings of a National Audit Office report which highlighted that pensions policy falls under 17 different Government departments or public bodies. She calls for them to be brought together.
Ros wrote an article for Financial Times, Financial Adviser Magazine calling for proetction of the state pension for future pensioners
Article on Stock Market Wire website commenting on Ros’ calls for cohesive policy on pensioner incomes.
Pensions World Magazine published Ros’ views on the announcement that NEST restrictions would be lifted in 2017, explaining why it would be much better to remove them earlier.
Ros wrote an article for The Actuary Magazine explaining that the Bank of England’s policies are damaging both defined benefit and defined contribution pensions.