The ACtuary Magazine Soapbox: QE Damage to Pensions
Ros wrote an article for The Actuary Magazine explaining that the Bank of England’s policies are damaging both defined benefit and defined contribution pensions.
Ros wrote an article for The Actuary Magazine explaining that the Bank of England’s policies are damaging both defined benefit and defined contribution pensions.
Ros wrote an article for Guardian Commentisfree discussing the recent suggestion by Ed Balls that Labour would include pensions in a spending cap. Here is a link to the article too.
Ros wrote a comment article for the Yorkshire Post on how state pension age changes are so complicated they have left many women bewildered. She calls for more information to be provided by Government to ensure the public is informed. Here is a link to the article too.
Ros wrote an article for CityAm explaining how the Bank of England’s policies are worsening regional and generational inequality, with the young and those in the north losing out. Here is a link to the article as well.
Ros explains why QE isn’t working and how it is causing damaging side-effects that will have longer term negative consequences.
Ros wrote a Comment article for the Daily Express calling on the Government to end its attacks on pensioner benefits.
Ros wrote a comment article for the Yorkshire Post explaining that pensioners have worked hard and saved hard and should not be ashamed of receiving state pension entitlements.
Ros comments on the dangers for workers of the current regulatory gaps and calls for a better, simpler regulatory regime – just one for all pensions.
Ros wrote an Expert View column for the JC highlighting the urgency of employers starting to plan for pensions auto-enrolment.
Ros Altmann is one of the judges in the inaugural National Council of Women ‘Giving Young Women and Girls a Voice’ competition, 2013. She tells us about some of the challenges she has faced as a woman working in finance and what she is looking for in the essays.