QE is silently stealing older people's assets
Ros wrote a blog for the Daily Mail’s ‘RightMinds’ blog website, explaining in detail how QE is damaging our pension system and is not a sensible strategy for trying to boost growth.
Ros wrote a blog for the Daily Mail’s ‘RightMinds’ blog website, explaining in detail how QE is damaging our pension system and is not a sensible strategy for trying to boost growth.
Ros explores how QE is impacting people recently or soon-to-be retired, making them permanently poorer and there is almost nothing they can do to protect themselves.
Ros wrote an article for the Oldie Magazine explaining how QE is robbing pensioners of their future income by devaluing annuities.
Ros wrote an Op-ed piece for the Yorkshire Post explaining the benefits of using pension fund assets to invest in infrastructure projects to help boost growth and improve pension funding.
Ros wrote an article for the Yorkshire Post outlining the challenges for policy on pensions and care – as well as employment – for Britains older citizens during 2012.
Citywire asks Ros for predictions for 2012 and big policy challenges we face.
Citywire asked Ros for her predictions on pensions policy and public sector pensions for 2012.
Article published in the JC outlining that we most people need to think about preparing for care needs and what they might consider.
Ros wrote an article for the Yorkshire Post explaining that Winter Fuel Payments have been cut and the risks this poses for older people as inflation and fuel bills are soaring.
Ros wrote a ‘Comment’ piece for the Guardian website explaining why QE is unlikely to revive the economy and creating inflation is dangerous for pension funds, annuities and future pensioners – buying gilts will also distort financial markets creating danger of a crash.