Five Radical Ideas to Solve the Pensions Crisis
Moneywise Magazine article highlighting Ros’ ideas for solving the pensions crisis.
Moneywise Magazine article highlighting Ros’ ideas for solving the pensions crisis.
Article in FT Financial Adviser Magazine outlining why the Government needs to reconsider its plans to increase state pension age and find a fairer alternative that will give people more notice – and could also save more than the 30billion currently targetted.
Ros article published in the Daily Express explaining Dilnot’s recommendations for long-term care reform and suggesting that they could be paid for by reassigning health service spending towards social care.
Article published in the Daily Mirror with Ros’ comments on the urgent need for reform of our social care system and outlining the reforms proposed by Andrew Dilnot’s commission.
Ros wrote an article for the Yorkshire Post which explains why reform of social care is so urgent.
Ros published her thoughts on Guardian Comment website explaining that although Dilnot’s recommendations are not perfect, reform must begin urgently and not be kicked into the long grass.
Ros wrote a blog for the Saga website explaining why thousands of women in their late fifties are hoping the Government will rethink its plans for sudden pension age rises.
Article published in Yorkshire Post calling for new thinking on pensions and outlining Ros’ idea to consider introducing a monthly 1m lottery prize for people saving in a pension scheme – to attract younger savers.
Ros wrote a Chapter in the CII Retirement Savings Report calling for pensions to be renamed and for a lottery with pensions to encourage participation.
Ros gave a feature interview for Barclays SmartWoman website explaining her views on the important issues for women to consider in long-term saving.