2010 predictions for pensions policy
Ros was asked for a quick summary of views on the 2010 pensions outlook.
Ros was asked for a quick summary of views on the 2010 pensions outlook.
Ros comments on latest figures from the Office for National Statistics showing a growing divide between pension provision in the public and private sectors. She calls for an urgent independent inquiry to assess the situation. Here is a link to the blog too.
Article published in Daily Mail ‘Monday Column’ explaining why our pension system is not fit for purpose and we need a radical overhaul of both state pensions and private pensions, as well as retirement.
Article published in the Observer Business Section calling for a radical overhaul of our state pension system, making it fair to women and ending mass means-testing. Click here to link to the article.
Feature article in Scotland’s Sunday Post, outlining the need for better and fairer state pensions.
Rcomment where Ros discusses the latest Conservative Party proposals to accelerate the increase in state pension age, pointing out that other changes to our pension system are required before any such moves can be contemplated. Click here to link to the Guardian web page.
Feature article published in the Times explaining that, as people live longer, saving enough money to support themselves in full retirement is no longer a realistic option – part time work in later life will be needed but this is good for people and offers them ‘bonus years’. Click here to read the article on the Times website.
Ros commented on the Telegraph website about Tory proposals to bring forward the increase in the state pension age.
Ros wrote a comment article for the Telegraph website explaining why new thinking is needed on phasing in retirement. Part of the solution to our pensions crisis must entail encouraging part-time work in later life. Click here to read the piece on the Telegraph website.
Comment piece for Daily Telegraph website explaining why it is essential that people consider working longer, part-time, since pensions alone cannot deliver enough for a decent retirement of many decades. Working longer is good news if we can work part-time. More leisure and more money. Click here to link to the web blog.