Article in aPublic Servant' Journal a New Thinking on Pensions'
Article published in aPublic Servant’ Magazine, discussing the future for UK pensions, trends in occupational pension schemes and flexible retirement policies of the future.
Article published in aPublic Servant’ Magazine, discussing the future for UK pensions, trends in occupational pension schemes and flexible retirement policies of the future.
Article published by Daily Mail explaining how the Government’s rejection of the Parliamentary Ombudsman report has betrayed the nation and undermined pensions confidence still further.
Article published in the Commons aHouse Magazine’ explaining how, despite Government assurances to the contrary, final salary pensions were not properly protected by legislation and how the Government’s rejection of the Parliamentary Ombudsman report is unsustainable.
Professional Pensions piece published on 23rd March 2006, outlining Ros’ views of the Parliamentary Ombudsman report and Government’s rejection of it. Explains why this situation is worse than the Maxwell scandal.
Article printed in Money Marketing asking how Government can hope to restore confidence in pensions, if it ignores the Parliamentary Ombudsman report and refuses to acknowledge its mistakes in handling final salary pensions.
Comment published in Money Marketing outlining Ros’ expectations of the tax reforms for pensions introduced on 6th April 2006.
Article published in FTfm comment section explaining why pension funds may be able to better match their liabilities by using swaps and derivatives, rather than just switching to bonds.
Letter published by Financial Times explaining why switching to bonds will be unlikely to cure pension fund problems and could make them worse, whereas considering swaps may be a better alternative.
Op-ed piece published in Financial Times advocating radical reform of state pensions. Ros explains why muddled thinking on pensions is preventing an affordable reform programme which could put pension policy on a sustainable path for the 21st Century, but some of the existing spending needs to be reallocated.
Ros wrote an article for Citywire explaining the value of older workers and how they can benefit the economy