The Times letter urging compensation for wind-up victims
Letter published in The Times, praising Patience Wheatcroft’s sympathy for the plight of victims of pension scheme wind-ups and the urgency of Government compensation.
Letter published in The Times, praising Patience Wheatcroft’s sympathy for the plight of victims of pension scheme wind-ups and the urgency of Government compensation.
Article published in the Times explaining why the Financial Assistance Scheme may sound good, but it is not able to deliver meaningful help to the majority of victims of pension wind-ups and calling for proper compensation to be paid.
Personal View article published in Financial Times, explaining the problems of stakeholder product reforms, mass market investors being left out, providers concentrating on high net worth clients and lack of economies of scale in savings products. Ros suggests consideration of National Savings as the ideal ‘Sandler’ products.
Letter published in Financial Times pointing out parallels between Bush pension reform proposals and UK pension policies over the past 20 years which have contributed to our pensions crisis.
Letter published in Employee Benefits Magazine explaining why employers have been asked to shoulder too much of the pensions burden and that the ‘standard’ two-thirds final salary pension has become unaffordable for most people.
Feature article published in Financial Adviser highlighting the failure of Government policy to stimulate more savings. The article explains that policy has only focussed on supply side issues (informed choice, stakeholder) but not demand (no new incentives, people don’t want to save) . Ros outlines the need for new incentives for both employers and employees.
Article published in FTfm, discussing the recent performance of hedge funds and what this implies for the future.
Article published in Daily Express, outlining Ros’s proposals for pension reform.
Article published in aFTfm in September 2004 outlining the differences in strategic asset allocation aims between defined benefit and defined contribution schemes and the issues trustees should be considering.
Feature article published in Financial Adviser, October 2004, outlining Ros’s suggestions for structuring investment options for money purchase and stakeholder pensions, with sensible default options.