White Paper reforms meaningless without more funding
Press Release commenting on the Government’s proposed reforms of social care, highlighting that the reforms are welcome, but cannot be implemented meaningfully without reform of funding.
Press Release commenting on the Government’s proposed reforms of social care, highlighting that the reforms are welcome, but cannot be implemented meaningfully without reform of funding.
Ros comments ahead of the release of the White Paper on social care reform, pointing out that if the Paper fails to reform funding of social care, it won’t address the crisis.
Press Release welcoming calls from influential Tory MPs for the Government to introduce care ISAs and perhaps family care saving plans to help people prepare for care – Social Care reform will still require a care savings culture and so far there are no incentives to save for care – and indeed most people don’t realize they even need to.
Ros wrote an article for the Sunday Telegraph, explaining why we must not think too short-term about social care reform – if we don’t fund it now, it will cost more later. People need to save for later life care needs.
Ros was called to give evidence to the Parliamentary Health Select Committee and she highlighted that failing to reform funding of social care risks bankrupting the NHS and that integration of health and care spending is important for those needing care.
Ros comments on results of ADASS Survey revealing that, even as demand for care rose, funding fell by £890m last year – how can we deliver decent care with councils cutting spending?
Ros gave a keynote speech at the Institute for Economic Affairs future of savings conference explaining how the Care Crisis needs urgent resolution and how saving for care could be facilitated by building on a Dilnot-style approach
Ros was interviewed on Sky News commenting on reports that Britain does not treat its older people as well as other countries.
Press Release outlining Saga’s support for a national campaign to raise awareness of dementia and help carers by creating dementia friendly communities.
Ros wrote a Comment article published in the Daily Express explaining the unfairness of the current care system and how private payers are subsidizing publicly-funded care residents.