QE and the pensions timebomb
Ros did an interview with GlintPerspectives magazine explaining how QE has contributed to a pensions timebomb for the future
Ros did an interview with GlintPerspectives magazine explaining how QE has contributed to a pensions timebomb for the future
Ros spoke at a Technical Connection pension conference, explaining the issues surrounding pension transfers, pension freedoms, QE and planning for retirement.
Ros spoke at the MarketForce conference about ‘The Future of Pensions in our Changing World’ giving a major keynote about pension reform, the impacts of quantitative easing on investments and the importance of funding for social care in an aging population.
Ros gave a presentations for the Economic Research Council about ‘Unintended Consequences of QE’ and explaining the dangers of long-term unconventional policy.
Ros spoke at a Bloomberg Conference on the Fate of Pensions Policy and her talk was titled ‘Pension Deficits – how real are they’. She discussed the issue of Quantitative Easing and its effect on pension scheme funding
City AM newspaper interviewed Ros for a feature article about her life and her work
The Shropshire Star featured Ros’ views on the unfairness of cutting the lifetime pensions allowance
Ros gives her thoughts on the 2015 Budget measures – a Savings Revolution
Ros wrote an article for the Spectator Magazine explaining the damage being done to pensions as a result of ongoing bondbuying by the Bank of England’s QE programme
The Financial Times Financial Adviser magazine reported Ros’ views about the new Pension wise Guidance Guarantee