Reforming Retirement and the State Pension
Ros speaking at the Westminster Employment Forum conference on reforming state pensions and Reforming Retirement, next steps for policy.
Ros speaking at the Westminster Employment Forum conference on reforming state pensions and Reforming Retirement, next steps for policy.
Press Release welcoming the news the Default Retirement Age has officially ended and workers can no longer be sacked for being 65.
Ros gave a presentation to the COHPA Annual General Meeting in London, explaining issues relating to working practices and occupational health after the abolition of the Default Retirement Age.
Ros wrote a piece for the Daily Express explaining that, with so many more people living to 100, we should be able to celebrate ‘bonus years’.
Release welcoming the news that millions of people are going to live to be 100 and that gives us the opportunity of many more years of healthy life and part-time work to supplement our pension savings.
Ros spoke at UJC in London, highlighting the effects of the pensions crisis and how we can solve it.
After the Default Retirement Age is abolished, workers and employers have a whole new landscape and Ros commissioned the Age Employment Network to produce two independent Guides – one for Employers and one for Employees, published by Saga, giving information and examples of managing life without a default retirement age.
Ros chaired the inaugural Saga Thought Leadership Seminar on ‘Rethinking Retirement’ with Pensions Minister Steve Webb giving the keynote speech. This is a report of the Seminar and links to the Guides for Employers and Employees to help manage working life without a default retirement age.
Ros gave a keynote presentation at the Pensions Excellence conference in London on overcoming the pensions crisis and how to avoid ending up with our ageing population falling into poverty.
Ros gave a keynote presentation and the Pensions Management Institute’s Spring Conference in London, explaining that living longer is great news, but we need to rethink our lives and take advantage of being healthier and capable of working longer.