It is possible to return to work at 50
A blog about women returners and helping women to return to work after age 50
A blog about women returners and helping women to return to work after age 50
Ros has started a new blog on the website which you can link to here
Ros Opinion column in the Yorkshire Post outlining the findings of a major national survey of older people’s attitudes to work and retirement showing the majority of people don’t want to stop work but want to keep working part time well beyond age 65
The Daily Telegraph wrote about Ros’ views that older people can benefit from staying in work and often want to do so
Auto Express wrote an article on 50 years of UK road signs, highlighting the controversy over the warning signs against aelderly’ people crossing the road and carries a suggestion that taxi drivers consider people wearing headphones much more of a danger than slow older people crossing the road.
The Daily Telegraph published an article where Ros gives her views on the benefits of longer working lives and why people should consider embracing the idea of working longer.
Recruiter Magazine writes about the second meeting of the Business Champion for Older Workers Working Group Taskforce
Ros highlights the results of a Eurofound Survey report which shows that more than half of retired people across Europe would actually like to be working, mostly wanting part time rather than full time work. This is a major social change
Youtube video of Ros explaining her role as Business Champion for Older workesr and introducing the new part of the website dedicated to providing information about employment of and for older workers.
MailonSunday website carried Ros’ call for firms to take on older apprentices.