Guardian – Employers should harness the potential of older workers
Interesting article in the Guardian outlining why employers should not overlook the value of keeping on or bringing in older workers, as well as the young
Interesting article in the Guardian outlining why employers should not overlook the value of keeping on or bringing in older workers, as well as the young
The Independent highlighted Ros’ comments that the labour market harbours ageist attitudes and that too often society treats all older people as frail or disabled when this is simply not appropriate in the 21st century.
FTADviser highlighted Ros’ calls to embrace longer working lives and comments that retirement thinking has not factored in changing health and demographic trends.
Plan Sponsor magazine highlighted a call from Ros for an initiative across Europe to promote the benefits of longer working lives, as the aging population will drag down economic growth.
Ros was interviewed for ‘New Retirement’ website about her role as champion for older workers and also her views on pension reform and rethinking retirement.
Ros gave a speech to representatives of major UK Trade Associations, explaining the case for fuller working lives.
Ros gave the Robert Butler Memorial Lecture to the ILC Global Alliance forum in London, explaining the need to encourage more productive ageing across the developed world.
Reward website highlighted Ros’ calls for employers to embrace the 3 ‘R’s in dealing with older workers – Retain, Retrain, Recruit.
Ros gave the Robert Butler Memorial Lecture to the ILC Global Alliance forum in London, explaining the need to encourage more productive ageing across the developed world.
Ros was interviewed by the Mail on Sunday explaining the importance of championing older workers and also commenting on the latest pension reforms.