The Independent: People should be handed risk warnings before buying annuities
Simon Read of the Independent supports Ros’ calls for people to be given proper risk warnings before they buy annuities since they can lose all their money.
Simon Read of the Independent supports Ros’ calls for people to be given proper risk warnings before they buy annuities since they can lose all their money.
Ros wrote a Foreword for the ‘WhatInvestment Guide to Income Drawdown’, explaining the risks of annuity buying and why Income Drawdown should be considered by many
Ros was interviewed on Citywire iplayer and explains (from 3 minutes in) how the annuity market is failing many customers
Ros points out that women could in theory now get 50% more pension than this time last year, but inflexible rules mean they can’t access more money yet
The Daily Telegraph published Ros’ views that annuity purchasers should receive advice, rather than paying high fees to brokers who offer no regulatory protection and no advice
Ros was interviewed by InvestmentSense magazine ‘In the Spotlight’ section. She explains her thinking that advice is essential for anyone considering buying an annuity
Ros was interviewed for the Yahoo website’s ‘Loose Change’ slot and explains some of the issues surrounding annuities explains Ros’ concerns about people buying single life annuities and then leaving widows or widowers with nothing, especially if they die relatively young. This is particularly a problem for current retirees as women in their 50s and 60s have been very disadvantaged by the pensions system and are less likely to have their own provision.
The Sun featured Ros’ warnings about annuities being a big gamble.
Ros’ warnings about annuities being the biggest gamble many people will ever take were featured as the front page Splash in the Daily Mail.