Daily Mail article outlining injustices of Government policy
Article published in Daily Mail on 24 September 2007 explaining why the lack of compensation for pension victims is indefensible after the hurried bail-out of Northern Rock depositors.
Article published in Daily Mail on 24 September 2007 explaining why the lack of compensation for pension victims is indefensible after the hurried bail-out of Northern Rock depositors.
Release highlighting the injustice of Government immediately rescuing Northern Rock savers with a 100% guarantee, while continuing to maintain that taxpayers can’t compensate pension victims who have been struggling for years with no pension.
Article for Saga website explaining the basics about Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs).
Ros’ comments on how the recent turbulence in credit and equity markets is likely to affect pensions, both final salary and money purchase.
Article written for Saga website, explaining the basics of annuities and factors to think about before buying.
Ros’ comments on FSA Retail Distribution Review consultation paper on selling savings products in the UK. Ros suggests the only people called ‘independent advisers’ should be those who can sell across all products.
Keynote Presentation given at Henry Stewart Conference outlining Ros’ views on the Government’s most recent pension reforms and why they will not restore confidence or deliver a sustainable pension system.
Ros’ comments on the new Pension Regulator’s issue of its first Financial Support Direction against Sea Containers.
Article written for Public Servant magazine outlining some expected developments in the public sector pensions debate.
Article for Saga website explaining the different types of annuities available.