Tax relief is not fiscally neutral
Letter published in Financial Times, arguing that tax relief is not fiscally neutral and is a major example of targeting incentives on top income groups.
Letter published in Financial Times, arguing that tax relief is not fiscally neutral and is a major example of targeting incentives on top income groups.
Article published in Financial Adviser in July 2004, discussing the findings of the Treasury Select Committee report on long term savings.
Article published in Financial News in June 2004, examining responsibilities of trustees in both defined benefit and defined contribution schemes.
Article commissioned by Financial Times for aPersonal View’ column, discussing Government policies to encourage savings and questioning why they seem to be targeted only at the top earners, rather than trying to encourage those who do not pay higher rate tax.
Note outlining how and why Government funded compensation should be organised.
Comments on the initial figures released by the DWP, estimating numbers affected by winding up pension schemes, who have lost most of their pensions.
Practical suggestions as to how to organise a compensation package for workers who lost their pensions on scheme wind-up. This could be a model for the Financial Assistance Scheme, if it has more money.
Presentation given to a Roundtable discussion session of the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation, discussing why pensions are in crisis and possible solutions and policy options for the future.
Presentation given to Association of Private Client Investment Management Service conference, discussing why pensions are in crisis and possible policy responses.
Response to letter in Financial Times from leading actuary who criticised proposals to compensate victims of pension wind-ups and questioned the need to protect pensions. Ros’ letter calls for more protection on future, rather than less.