Mutual Insurance for Final Salary Schemes – or Risk Warnings
Note outlining why wither member must be given a proper risk warning that their pension must be protected.
Note outlining why wither member must be given a proper risk warning that their pension must be protected.
Outline of reasons for the crisis in UK final salary schemes and some suggested solutions.
Note outlining reasons for employers to switch away from DB schemes towards DC.
Modelling work carried out by Datamonitor to estimate costs of giving extra government incentives for saving in a matching scheme, rather than using tax relief. Funded by Aberdeen.
An article written for Financial Adviser commenting on why financial advice is still so important even when offering simple products.
Figures showing how much it might cost to buy an annuity of £10,000 per year.
A brief note on why Ros believes UK pensions are in crisis.
Note describing how final salary pension schemes have become financially unsustainable in the UK.
Summary of reforms introduced in late 1990s which have undermined pensions.
These quotes show that Government is continuing to mislead people into believing their final salary pensions are safe.