Thousands risk having their pensions slashed because of taxman’s blunder
Daily Mirror reported Ros’ comments about the injustice of pensioners being forced to accept cuts to their pensions due to errors in administration of GMPs. ( link to pdf )
Daily Mirror reported Ros’ comments about the injustice of pensioners being forced to accept cuts to their pensions due to errors in administration of GMPs. ( link to pdf )
Daily Telegraph front page story about data errors in pension administration leading to pensioners facing cuts in their income – even though they had no responsibility for mistakes. ( link to pdf )
Professional Pensions reports on the delay to implementation of Cold Calling ban. ( link to pdf )
Financial Planning Today magazine reported Ros’ views on the shortcomings of pension drawdown policies. ( link to pdf )
Ros wrote a comment piece for CityAM newspaper explaining why she believes pension drawdown products need to move into the modern era. ( link to pdf)
Daily Mail campaign to allow people to undo unwanted annuities continues, with a story of a lady who had to use her tax free lump sum to pay for son’s funeral, now stuck with £10 a week for life that she does not want. ( link to pdf )
Ros writes for LoveMoneyInc website highlighting the Net Pay Scandal again.
Ros wrote an article for Money Marketing explaining her ideas about how to improve the advice process for DB transfers
MailOnLine reports on the injustice of local government denying benefits to elderly people who can’t use IT
MailonLine explains the injustice of Net Pay pension schemes which prevent low earners from receiving their tax relief