Women have been second class citizens in pensions for years
Ros’ concerns about womens’ pensions were highlighted in the Yorkshire Evening Post
Ros’ concerns about womens’ pensions were highlighted in the Yorkshire Evening Post
Description: Latest surveys confirm that women are particularly confused about pensions and they need help. Government also needs to inform them of all the changes happening to their pensions so they can make a proper plan.
Steve Webb’s announcement that a cap on pension fund charges will not be rushed through for April 2014 is welcome and sensible says Ros
Description: Ros puts together alternative wording for a separate directory that would list only those independent advisers who offer whole of market regulated advice for those who want to try to get the best possible personal help at retirement
Description: Ros issues further thoughts on the Pick-A Directory, complimenting its functionality but suggesting that it would be helpful to have a separate listing for truly independent advisers, so people can see who is offering guidance, rather than regulated advice
Description: Ros comments on the initial wording of the newly launched Directory called ‘Pick-A Retirement Income’ which is supposed to help people find an adviser or broker to help them choose the best retirement income for themselves and highlights her concerns about wording that seems unfairly biased against independent advice.
StockMarketWire highlights Ros’ views on the debate about protecting pensioner benefits and triple lock for state pension
Ros comments on the political pressure to abolish or means test pensioner benefits and explains why a considered approach is important rather than knee-jerk reactions
Ros gave an interview to the Glasgow Herald explaining her concerns about the annuities market and calling for proper regulation to protect customers
Ros prepared a background briefing on the failings of the annuities market and urgent reforms required