Widows at risk in annuity market
Pensions World publishes Ros’ views of the risks to widows and widowers in current annuity markets, with reform focussing on getting the best rate, rather than buying the right product.
Pensions World publishes Ros’ views of the risks to widows and widowers in current annuity markets, with reform focussing on getting the best rate, rather than buying the right product.
Ros calculates that the failure of couples to buy joint life annuities may result in 250,000 widows or widowers each year at risk of being left with nothing when their partner dies.
Ros wrote an article for Financial Times, Financial Adviser Magazine calling for proetction of the state pension for future pensioners
Article on Stock Market Wire website commenting on Ros’ calls for cohesive policy on pensioner incomes.
Ros comments on the National Audit Office report highlighting how pensioner policy falls under too many different Government departments.
This is a link to the National Audit Office Official Report on lack of joined up policy with 17 Government departments or public bodies having some responsibility for different aspects of later life income.
Stock Market Wire published Ros’ views welcoming the removal of NEST restrictions but regretting that it is happening so slowly.
Pensions World Magazine published Ros’ views on the announcement that NEST restrictions would be lifted in 2017, explaining why it would be much better to remove them earlier.
Ros welcomes the removal of NEST restrictions but explains why they should ideally be removed before 2017, to give NEST a fairer chance to compete and for taxpayers to receive quicker repayment of their loan.
Ros explains why she believes the Treasury’s announcement that ISAs will be allowed to invest in AIM stocks is sensible, but of course these will probably add to the risk level of a portfolio.