Ros answers viewers questions on BBC Breakfast TV
Ros was interviewed on BBC Breakfast TV answering viewers state pension questions.
Ros was interviewed on BBC Breakfast TV answering viewers state pension questions.
Ros spoke at the London School of Economics, giving her views on the dangers of Monetary Policy measures for UK pensions.
The Guardian’s ‘Ripped off Britons’ cartoon section used Ros’ views on consultancy charging to highlight the problems faced by workers forcibly paying for advice to their employers, from unregulated unqualified ‘consultants’. She calls for the Government to stop or cap the charges.
The Final Newsletter from the ‘I’m one of the 80,000’ campaign group welcoming the Government’s decision to bring forward the introduction of the new single tier state pension to April 2016, therefore including all those women who face a second rise in state pension age
Press Release explaining the scandal of consultancy charging and commenting on the Which? mystery shopping exercise which confirms the need to ban these unfair member fees.
Ros welcomes the Chancellor’s announcement that the new single tier state pension will be introduced from april 2016 after all, not April 2017. This means all women who have had a second increase in state pension age will be included in the new system.
Ros comments on the ONS statement announcing that it will be downgrading RPI, and deciding it will no longer be a ‘national statistic’.
Ros responded to the DWP consultation about whether the objectives of the UK Pension Regulator need to be changed to increase its emphasis on employer affordability.
Ros responded to DWP consultation on allowing smoothing of UK pension fund discount rates
Ros spoke at the WEF conference explaining her concerns about the future of auto-enrolment and the need to remove NEST restrictions, simplify the processes and also to take more notice of the annuities risks in decumulation