NEST restrictions must be lifted straight away – don't delay
Ros welcomes the DWP Select Committee recommendations that lifting of NEST restrictions is urgent and failure to do so will cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of pounds.
Ros welcomes the DWP Select Committee recommendations that lifting of NEST restrictions is urgent and failure to do so will cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of pounds.
Ros was interviewed on South Korean efm Radio Station’s Primetime show explaining lessons that South Korea could learn from other countries in terms of pension reform
Ros was on Radio4 Moneybox explaining some concerns about whether the FSA’s latest thematic review of annuity sales will go far enough to really protect customers properly.
Ros explains why the FSA review of annuities is welcome but must look at more than just shopping around for a better rate, it is vital that customers get the right kind of annuity too.
Ros submitted evidence to the DWP on removing the restrictions on NEST, calling for the restrictions to be lifted as soon as possible to allow NEST to compete better with the rest of the marketplace
CityAM published Ros’ views on why the latest state pension reform proposals are broadly welcome
Ros explains what we might expect from the White Paper announcing the flat-rate state pension reforms
Ros explains why CentreForum proposals by Paul Burstow to fund Dilnot reforms by means testing pensioner Winter Fuel Payments will not work. They risk making more pensioners worse off and needing care, since extending means testing will lead to lower savings
Ros wrote a blog for Citywire critiquing the pensions policies of Labour, LibDems and Tories and explaining how their policies reflect their political supporters
Ros was interviewed by FT publications Financial ADviser Magazine and asked about her views on all aspects of pensions policy.