Looking forward to the White Paper on State Pension reform?
Ros wrote an article for House Magazine, outlining what we might expect to see in the Government’s forthcoming reforms of the state pension.
Ros wrote an article for House Magazine, outlining what we might expect to see in the Government’s forthcoming reforms of the state pension.
Ros explains, in the Sunday Sun newspaper, why it is important to keep universal pensioner benefits, rather than moving to more means-testing.
Ros was asked to submit her views to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority investigation into appropriate pay and pensions for MPs. This is her submission
Ros wrote a blog for the Daily Mail RightMinds website, explaining the dangers of the new EU rules called Solvency II, which could devastate UK defined benefit pensions and annuities
Ros prepared a briefing paper which goes through many of the issues that are expected to be addressed by the forthcoming White Paper on State Pension reform, which is expected to propose a flat-rate state pension at £140 a week in 2010 prices (likely to be at least £160 a week by the time it starts)
Ros calls on the Government to relax the discount rate used for calculating pension liabilities
Press Release commenting on latest figures from the Pension Protection Fund showing UK defined benefit pension scheme deficits are at the highest level ever and PPF blames QE for partly causing the problems
Press Release commenting on latest figures showing that the gender gap between men and women’s pensions has fallen, but that is only because women’s pensions have fallen by less than mens!
Ros wrote a feature for the Actuarial Post supplement on auto enrolment, explaining that this policy will not be sufficient to overcome the pensions crisis, but it is a start.
Press Release highlighting Ros’ comments at the CCW Pensions Lecture, in which she challenged the idea of auto-enrolment only into pensions and called for a broader definition of long-term savings for workplace incentives.