What Auto-enrolment is all about
Ros gave a keynote speech at the Xafinity seminar on auto-enrolment explaining her views on what auto-enrolment is all about and that we might need broader thinking on later life saving.
Ros gave a keynote speech at the Xafinity seminar on auto-enrolment explaining her views on what auto-enrolment is all about and that we might need broader thinking on later life saving.
Ros gave a presentation in the House of Commons to the LibDem Parliamentary Health and Social Care Committee outlining the challenges of funding pensions and care for our aging population.
Press Release commenting on latest research from ILC explaining the benefits to society of embracing our ‘bonus years’ which can be the solution to Rethinking Retirement.
Ros gave a presentation to the Briefing Circle outlining her views on why we have a pensions crisis and new thinking that is required to finance our aging population.
Ros gave the CCW Pension Lecture explaining her views on the state of UK pensions and policy responses to funding our old age.
Ros comments on Steve Webb’s suggestions of introducing a new type of risk-sharing for employer pensions, a half-way house between DB and DC, but where the employer takes back some of the risks that have been passed to workers.
Ros explains why QE has taken money from people’s pensions and given it to borrowers and banks, leaving pensioners poorer in retirement
Ros comments on the ONS first national accounts estimates of future pension spending, showing £7trillion of liabilities for past pension promises, with far more still to accrue, and a high share going to public sector pension payments.
Press Release commenting on latest figures showing pension contributions and coverage falling sharply and ISAs more popular.
Ros outlines her vision for a new phase of life, with people working longer but part time, as pensions have not delivered enough to support longer lives adequately.