FT letter calling for longevity gilts
Letter published in Financial Times, jointly with Jon Moynihan and Willem Buiter, calling for increased gilt issuance to help pension schemes better match their liabilities.
Letter published in Financial Times, jointly with Jon Moynihan and Willem Buiter, calling for increased gilt issuance to help pension schemes better match their liabilities.
Comment piece published in the Guardian, outlining the urgent need to get rid of ageism in the workplace and help employers and workers to appreciate the value of working part-time in later life.
Ros was interviewed on Radio 4 Today programme and argued that we must end ageist attitudes in the workplace.
Press Release following Coalition Government’s emergency budget, outlining the implications for savings and pensions policy.
Article published in Daily Express commenting on Nick Clegg’s speech that public sector pensions are unfair and unaffordable. Here is a link to the article http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/181155.
Ros gave a presentation at the Credit Suisse 2010 Pension Strategy conference in London, giving her views on the history and future of UK pension policy
Press Release welcoming the policy proposals outlined in the Queen’s Speech and calling for more radical reforms.
Ros’ blog on Citywire calling for far-reaching annuities reform, welcoming the pledge to end compusory annutiisation by age 75.
Press Release welcoming the appointment of Steve Webb as the new Pensions Minister.
Ros was interviewed by Jeff Randall, discussing the new Government’s policies on pensions.