The injustice of local government denying benefits to elderly people
MailOnLine reports on the injustice of local government denying benefits to elderly people who can’t use IT
MailOnLine reports on the injustice of local government denying benefits to elderly people who can’t use IT
Ros spoke at a Forum held by BlueSky MasterTrust about the Evolution of MasterTrusts and her expectations for authorisation and consolidation.
Mail on Line explains the injustice of Net Pay pension schemes and how they force low earners to pay 25% too much for their pension
Ros spoke to the pensions association FODER Annual Conference in Istanbul about ‘Making Pensions Popular’.
Ros spoke about ‘The Future of Pensions and Retirement’ at a BlackRock conference outlining the issues of longer working lives and better pension provision in the aging population.
Ros spoke at the SecondSight HR Masterclass forum about the Employer role in pensions and social care.
Ros gave a keynote address at a Professional Pensions Conference outlining the challenges ahead for DB, DC and investment policy, the problems faced by Trustees and opportunities for reform.
Ros spoke at an International Pensions Expert (IPE) forum about Defined Contribution pensions and the future for DC. Her talk was titled ‘Do’s and don’ts of DC.
Ros spoke at the MarketForce conference about ‘The Future of Pensions in our Changing World’ giving a major keynote about pension reform, the impacts of quantitative easing on investments and the importance of funding for social care in an aging population.
Ros spoke at a Money Marketing Conference on ‘Pensions, Tax and Income’ about the dangers of recent pension reforms