What do customers want? Pension freedoms won't work unless customers understand pensions
Ros gave a speech at the launch of the ILC UK research sponsored by major pension companies
Ros gave a speech at the launch of the ILC UK research sponsored by major pension companies
Ros gave a speech at the presentation of consumer research showing how little people understand about pensions and highlighting the need for better education, information and guidance. The Research was supported by Partnership, Just Retirement, EY, Key Retirement Solutions, LV= and produced by ILC-UK
This is a recording of the presentation Ros gave of consumer research showing how little people understand about pensions and highlighting the need for better education, information and guidance. The Research was supported by Partnership, Just Retirement, EY, Key Retirement Solutions, LV= and produced by ILC-UK
Ros explains the results of a major new Survey and research report that highlight the woefully inadequate level of financial knowledge among the general public about pensions – with older women especially lacking an understanding of even the most basic terms
Ros outlines the five essential points to consider when planning for the new pension regime after April 2015
Ros highlights that there are still unanswered questions with the new Pensions Guidance service but it is good to see the name unveiled – it must now be promoted and marketed widely
Ros was interviewed on BBC Radio4 Moneybox discussing the pros and cons of enabling people to cash in or surrender their annuities if they wish to. You can listen to the debate here https://businesschampionforolderworkers.blog.gov.uk
Ros looks forward to some important highlights for pensions in 2015
The Times published an article by Ros in the ‘Thunderer’ column calling for an end to rip-off pension charges