Pensions are a mess – how did we get here?
Published in Financial World magazine, outlining the history of the pensions crisis and explaining some of the possible solutions.
Published in Financial World magazine, outlining the history of the pensions crisis and explaining some of the possible solutions.
Ros summarises some of the highlights of the recent proposals for pension reform.
Ros gave the inaugural lecture for University of Westminster Business School outlining her views of the future of pensions and how to defuse the demographic time bomb.
Ros highlights Saga Survey evidence showing that one in five over 50s has debts or a mortgage and comments that one third are not saving in a pension.
Ros gave a speech at Institute of Chartered Accountants for England and Wales Annual Pensions Conference outlining some of the implications for pensions reform of the new Government.
Ros gave keynote speech at the Inside Government Forum outlining her views on the need for further pension reform and attention being paid to the looming crisis in care funding.
Article published in Daily Express explaining why a flat rate pension of at least £140 a week would be brilliant news for future pensioners.
Ros comments on leaked proposals for all new pensioners to be paid at least ?140 a week state pension, thereby ending mass means testing of pensioners.
Article in Money Observer outlining what is needed for proper radical pension reform and the urgent requirement to rethink both pensions and retirement.
Article published in Daily Telegraph ‘Expert View’ Column in the Money section, calling on the Coalition to rise to the challenge of proper pension reform.