What's wrong with the White Paper?
Article published in Parliamentary Monitor magazine explaining why the latest round of pension reforms will definitely not be the last.
Article published in Parliamentary Monitor magazine explaining why the latest round of pension reforms will definitely not be the last.
Article published in aParliamentary Brief’ (Volume 10, No. 10), explaining the background to the UKs pension problems and why the latest White Paper reform proposals will not provide a sustainable solution.
Article published in Financial Adviser explaining why the Government’s White Paper pension reforms do not go far enough, leaving the system still in need of a radical overhaul.
Article published in Sunday Telegraph explaining why the Chancellor’s pensions policies could destroy our once-thriving UK pension system.
Article published in the Sunday Telegraph, explaining how the Chancellor, Gordon Brown, has squandered the benefits of favourable demographic trends and is leaving the next administration to cope with the economic dangers of ademographic drag’.
Article published in aPublic Servant’ Magazine, discussing the future for UK pensions, trends in occupational pension schemes and flexible retirement policies of the future.
Comment published in Money Marketing outlining Ros’ expectations of the tax reforms for pensions introduced on 6th April 2006.
Op-ed piece published in Financial Times advocating radical reform of state pensions. Ros explains why muddled thinking on pensions is preventing an affordable reform programme which could put pension policy on a sustainable path for the 21st Century, but some of the existing spending needs to be reallocated.
Presentation given at B&CE fringe meeting at Labour Party Conference in Brighton, discussing Ros’s views on how to get people to provide for their retirement.
Presentation on Pension Reform given at Financial Times FT Financial Adviser Expo in London.