Why letting millennials access state pension early could be a ‘dreadful idea’
Ros is quoted in an inews article warning of the risks of allowing people to access their pensions early, as this will increase poverty in later life.
Ros is quoted in an inews article warning of the risks of allowing people to access their pensions early, as this will increase poverty in later life.
Ros is quoted in LoveMoney talking about the damage done to many pension savers by being in Lifestyled Default Funds. ( link to pdf )
Ros is quoted in the Daily Express warning about the dreadful impact of the Government’s IHT proposals for pensions and dangers of poverty in retirement which could be alleviated with a flat rate 20% tax instead.
Ros is quoted in the Daily Telegraph article warning about the IHT and income ‘double death tax’ on pensions that could destroy people’s retirement.
Ros is quote by inews calling for the auto-enrolment earnings trigger to be removed, rather than being frozen. ( link to pdf )
Ros is quoted in Saga Magazine explaining why women are more reliant on the state pension than men for a decent retirement, as they have less private pension. ( link to pdf )
Ros wrote a Column in Money Marketing highlighting why removal of IHT exemption for unused pension funds is so disastrous for the long-term future of pensions. ( link to pdf )
Ros is quoted in a Daily Telegraph article expressing concerns that pension fund default options did not move away from lifestyling even after the pension freedoms meant moving to supposedly low risk assets was not necessarily suitable.
Ros is quoted by ThisIsMoney likening the IHT raid on DC schemes to the 1997 ACT tax rate on DB pensions and warning of huge damage to future pensions. ( link to pdf )
Ros wrote a comment article for ThisIsMoney and the Daily Mail, explaining the dangers of later life poverty as a result of the decision to impose inheritance tax on unused DC pension pots. ( link to pdf )