Saga website – introduction to SIPPs
Article for Saga website explaining the basics about Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs).
Article for Saga website explaining the basics about Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs).
Ros’ comments on FSA Retail Distribution Review consultation paper on selling savings products in the UK. Ros suggests the only people called ‘independent advisers’ should be those who can sell across all products.
Comment published in Money Marketing outlining Ros’ expectations of the tax reforms for pensions introduced on 6th April 2006.
Presentation given at the Investment Management Association conference, London, outlining policies required to stimulate long term savings, pension reform and alternative investment approaches in the UK.
Presentation given at B&CE fringe meeting at Labour Party Conference in Brighton, discussing Ros’s views on how to get people to provide for their retirement.
Article prepared for Journal of Financial Services Marketing to describe the setting up of a Lifetime Savings Account to encourage savings throughout the lifecycle.
Presentation given at the 8th Annual Conference of the Institute for Economic Affairs, in London, discussing the role of Government, insurance companies and the financial services industry in the future of long term savings in the UK.
Slides and transcript of a speech given at the Institute of Actuaries aAgeing Population’ conference in Edinburgh on January 21st 2002. This describes proposals for a new type of ‘wrapper’ in which to hold all a persons savings throughout their lifetime, from short term investments to pensions and equity release.
The Herald newspaper explains why many people do not have sufficient financial information or education to be able to make good pension decisions
Article published in UBS Wealth Management magazine explaining some of the weaknesses of the lifecycle approach to investing and the need for diversification in investor portfolios.