FOS failings shocking
Daily Mail: half a million victims of PPI mis-selling may have been unfairly dealt with by failings at the FOS.
Daily Mail: half a million victims of PPI mis-selling may have been unfairly dealt with by failings at the FOS.
Daily Telegraph article – Scrap the Lifetime ISA and have an Everything ISA
Ros wrote an article published in the Yorkshire Post explain why it’s so important to ban cold calling urgently
Ros is quoted in an article in The Irish Times –stressing the importance of knowing the difference between financial ‘guidance’ and ‘advice’
Ros wrote her Money Marketing column on the need to make free guidance the automatic first step before people take money out of their pensions
Ros’ blog congratulating the WPSC’s call for cold calling ban and better consumer protection
Work and Pensions Select Committee Report calls for cold calling ban – and quotes Ros saying all scams she’s seen start with cold call
An article on StockMarketWire website reports on Ros’s calls to ban pensions cold calling
Ros spoke at a Money Marketing Conference on ‘Pensions, Tax and Income’ about the dangers of recent pension reforms
Citywire interviewed Ros and published her aspirations for helping customers understand pension pricing, with clear and transparent fee structures in future and improved education and information