Steve Webb right to warn on Solvency II
Ros supports Steve Webbs warnings about the dangers of Solvency II rules that may be forced on UK pensions by the EU.
Ros supports Steve Webbs warnings about the dangers of Solvency II rules that may be forced on UK pensions by the EU.
Ros welcomes the consultation on removing NEST restrictions.
Ros calls on Bank of England to halt its gilt buying programme and assess alternative policies which may have less damaging side effects.
Ros comments on DWP consultation paper discussing removing NEST restrictions. Ros believes removing restrictions is essential to make NEST sustainable, repay taxpayer loan and ensure it can compete effectively.
Ros comments on the FSA’s recommendations that investment return forecasts for pensions should be lowered to become more realistic – better late than never!
Ros welcomes Norman Lamb’s comments that he wants to make improving dementia care a top priority. Saga fully supports this aim and wants to see urgent action.
Ros highlights the latest figures from the ONS which suggest QE may have weakened growth and hampered economic recovery.
Press Release commenting on latest warnings from Local Government Association about the looming care crisis – we need radical reform, short-term fixes won’t work.
Press Release summarizing Ros’ evidence to the House of Lords Inquiry into Public Services and Demographic Change.
Press Release welcoming the official end of the Default Retirement Age. It is no longer legal to sack someone for being age 65 – you have to judge how they do their job.