Delivering Members' Pensions
Presentation given at Coombe Abbey, Coventry for PwC explaining Ros’ thoughts on the new world for trustees and dealing with deficits, risk and member protection.
Presentation given at Coombe Abbey, Coventry for PwC explaining Ros’ thoughts on the new world for trustees and dealing with deficits, risk and member protection.
Presentation for Icelandic pension fund trustees outlining Ros’ thoughts on using alternative investments in pension asset allocation decisions.
Presentation given at Man Group breakfast briefing session explaining the challenges facing pension fund trustees in trying to achieve asymmetric return profiles for their investments.
Speech given at the Wallace Collection in London outlining for trustees some new thinking on risk management, liability driven investing and downside protection for pension funds.
Ros’ presentation in House of Commons to All Party Parliamentary Pensions Group explaining background to the pension losses of wind-up victims, why Parliamentary Ombudsman and PASC call for compensation and why rescue is urgent.
Presentation given at B&CE fringe meeting at Labour Party Conference in Brighton, discussing Ros’s views on how to get people to provide for their retirement.
Presentation given at the Investment Management Association conference, London, outlining policies required to stimulate long term savings, pension reform and alternative investment approaches in the UK.
Presentation on Pension Reform given at Financial Times FT Financial Adviser Expo in London.
Presentation given at Actuarial Profession Annual Pensions Convention, in Brighton on 7th June 2005, outlining the failure of the UK pension model, the outlook for occupational pensions and the role of actuaries in future.
Presentation delivered at Pensions World conference outlining Ros’s views on the need for radical pension reform and why she thinks compulsion would not be advisable.