Delivering Members' Pensions
Presentation given at Coombe Abbey, Coventry for PwC explaining Ros’ thoughts on the new world for trustees and dealing with deficits, risk and member protection.
Presentation given at Coombe Abbey, Coventry for PwC explaining Ros’ thoughts on the new world for trustees and dealing with deficits, risk and member protection.
Presentation for Icelandic pension fund trustees outlining Ros’ thoughts on using alternative investments in pension asset allocation decisions.
Presentation given at Man Group breakfast briefing session explaining the challenges facing pension fund trustees in trying to achieve asymmetric return profiles for their investments.
Speech given at the Wallace Collection in London outlining for trustees some new thinking on risk management, liability driven investing and downside protection for pension funds.
Ros’ presentation in House of Commons to All Party Parliamentary Pensions Group explaining background to the pension losses of wind-up victims, why Parliamentary Ombudsman and PASC call for compensation and why rescue is urgent.
Presentation delivered at Pensions World conference outlining Ros’s views on the need for radical pension reform and why she thinks compulsion would not be advisable.
Ros’s presentation at the Watson Wyatt 2005 pension debate, proposing the motion that aThis house believes pension reform will do nothing for those who need it most’. Ros, together with Steve Bee the leading pensions guru from Scottish Life,  explained why they believed that pension reforms so far will not benefit the Govenrment’s atarget’ group of middle earners.
Presentation to the House of Commons Work and Pensions Select Committee outlining Ros’ pension reform ideas and where her views differ from those of the Pensions Commission.
Presentation given to European Pension Fund Investment Forum in Marlow, explaining Ros’ ideas on new ways for trustees to think about managing both the risk and the return of their assets, in order to address pension deficits and more directly target meeting liabilities and over time.
Speech given by Ros at meeting held in House of Commons ahead of release of Parliamentary Ombudsman’s report, calling on Gordon Brown to agree to compensate and rectify the broken promises made to at least 85,000 citizens who have been robbed of their pensions.