What is the future for pension saving?
Speech given by Ros Altmann to the Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants (ACCA) looking at the future for pension saving after the Pension Commission report.
Speech given by Ros Altmann to the Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants (ACCA) looking at the future for pension saving after the Pension Commission report.
Slides from a Presentation given to Dealers’ Group conferences in Harrogate and London, discussing Ros’ views on the future of the post-retirement market, changes that are likely to unfold and the role of advisers in helping manage this change.
Lecture delivered for the ACCA at the Museum of London, discussing the pensions landscape and the role of the accounting profession in helping clients prepare for forthcoming reforms.
Presentation given at the launch of aThe Pensions Report’, survey of pension trends in the UK, explaining how pensions are in crisis, coverage is falling and the loss of confidence must be urgently addressed. Policy has so far failed to take account of the ademand’ side of pensions and has focused only on asupply’.
Presentation given at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to a delegation of visiting diplomats from Vietnam, outlining Ros’ views on pension and retirement reforms for the 21st Century.
Presentation given at Scottish Widows Pensions Debate, explaining Ros’ concerns about the effect of the Government’s White Paper on Pension Reform.
Presentation given to Petitions Committee of European Parliament in Brussels, on behalf of Maurice Jones, who lost his entire company pension in 1997 when his company scheme started wind-up. The presentation explains how the UK Government has broken EU law and what has happened to Mr. Jones’ pension.
Presentation handout given to MPs at a meeting of backbenchers to discuss the Government’s rejection of the Parliamentary Ombudsman report and explaining why this rejection is wrong.
Presentation given at the 8th Annual Conference of the Institute for Economic Affairs, in London, discussing the role of Government, insurance companies and the financial services industry in the future of long term savings in the UK.
Presentation given to a group of backbench MPs explaining the background to the pension losses on scheme wind-ups and the flaws in the Government’s rejection of the Ombudsman’s report.