Jumblies Pensions - Ros Altmann

    Ros is a leading authority on later life issues, including pensions,
    social care and retirement policy. Numerous major awards have recognised
    her work to demystify finance and make pensions work better for people.
    She was the UK Pensions Minister from 2015 – 16 and is a member
    of the House of Lords where she sits as Baroness Altmann of Tottenham.

  • Ros Altmann

    Ros Altmann

    Jumblies Pensions

    Jumblies Pensions

    Pension protection – PPF for members of final salary schemes

    Global Pensions article giving Ros’s on the risk-based PPF levy
    July 2005
    read the article

    Article published in Global Pensions explaining that Ros considers having a PPF essential and the risk-based levy is a sensible proposal.

    Global Pensions article on PPF
    May 2005
    read the article

    Article published in Global Pensions, explaining the benefits of having the Pension Protection Fund.

    Press Release welcoming NAPF support for improved FAS
    January 2005
    read the article

    Press release welcoming NAPF’s open letter to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, supporting Ros’s calculations of inadequacy of the Financial Assistance Scheme and fears for the future of the Pension Protection Fund.

    Proposals for Pension Protection Fund and New Pensions Regulator
    September 2004
    read the article

    Note outlining Government proposals for new Pension Protection Fund and New Pensions Regulator.

    How to introduce a Financial Assistance Scheme
    May 2004
    read the article (pdf, 51kb)

    Practical suggestions as to how to organise a compensation package for workers who lost their pensions on scheme wind-up. This could be a model for the Financial Assistance Scheme, if it has more money.

    Letter to FT Supporting Protection for Pensions
    February 2004
    read the letter

    Response to letter in Financial Times from leading actuary who criticised proposals to compensate victims of pension wind-ups and questioned the need to protect pensions. Ros’ letter calls for more protection on future, rather than less.

    Research Workshop on PPF and Pension Guarantees
    January 2004
    view PowerPoint presentation (pdf 228kb)

    Panel presentation on Pension Protection Fund and providing guarantees for pension schemes, 19th January 2004, for Watson Wyatt.

    Why We Must Have an Insurance Protection Scheme for Pensions – Financial Adviser
    October 2003
    read the article

    Article published in ‘Financial Adviser’ explaining why we need an insurance protection scheme for final salary company pensions in the UK.

    Compensation – Won’t Cost A Penny For Years
    July 2003
    read the article

    Article published in Pensions Week explaining why Government must compensate pension scheme members who have lost their pension rights on insolvency and how this compensation will not cost anything for many years.

    Letter Published in the Financial Times
    June 2003
    read the letter

    Letter published in the Financial Times outlining the failures of UK final salary pensions.

    Jumblies Pensions
    June 2003
    view the picture (jpg 101kb)

    A picture of how UK private sector company schemes are leaving people unprotected and unaware of the risks to their pensions, while public sector schemes are safe. We need to restore confidence!

    What’s Wrong with Our Company Pensions?
    May 2003
    read the note

    Note explaining why we urgently need to change the UK final salary pension system. Some form of insurance is essential.

    Letter Printed in Financial Times 4 April 2003
    April 2003
    read the letter

    Letter regarding lack of security for members of UK final salary schemes.

    Why Final Salary Pensions are in Crisis. A Solution? 
    March 2003
    read the article

    A description of why UK final salary pension promises are now financially unsustainable for most employers and a possible way forward for the future.

    Mutual Insurance for Final Salary Schemes – or Risk Warnings
    March 2003
    read the article

    Note outlining why wither member must be given a proper risk warning that their pension must be protected.

    UK Final Salary Pension Crisis – Possible Solutions?
    March 2003
    read the article

    Outline of reasons for the crisis in UK final salary schemes and some suggested solutions.

    Why We Must Protect Final Salary Scheme Members
    November 2002
    read the article (pdf 94kb)

    Insuring Pensions
    July 2002
    read the article (pdf 30kb)

    A note explaining why mutual insurance for pension schemes should be considered.

    Why DB Pension Schemes Are Closing and Why This May Not Be So Terrible
    April 2002
    read the article (pdf 64kb)

    The move away from final salary schemes does not have to be a disaster at all. Dr. Altmann believes the demise of DB was always inevitable for private companies and final salary schemes are not always as good as they are currently thought to be.

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