Employers must act now on auto enrolment - Ros Altmann

    Ros is a leading authority on later life issues, including pensions,
    social care and retirement policy. Numerous major awards have recognised
    her work to demystify finance and make pensions work better for people.
    She was the UK Pensions Minister from 2015 – 16 and is a member
    of the House of Lords where she sits as Baroness Altmann of Tottenham.

  • Ros Altmann

    Ros Altmann

    Employers must act now on auto enrolment

    Employers must act now on auto enrolment

    Employers must act now on auto enrolment

    by Dr. Ros Altmann

    (All material on this page is subject to copyright and must not be reproduced without the author’s permission.)

    A seismic shift in pensions is underway, affecting all UK employers and employees. The government is revolutionising workplace pensions, forcing all employers, whether large companies with thousands of workers, or working mothers employing one nanny, to provide pensions for their staff. No ifs, no buts, employers will have to automatically enrol all eligible workers and pay into their pension scheme. Staff can choose to opt out, but only after they have been put in.

    With less than half the UK workforce actually paying into a pension fund, the government hopes that once workers are enrolled, inertia will ensure they stay in and millions more will start saving for retirement, with help from their employer.

    Until now, only firms with over five staff had to offer a pension scheme, and they did not have to contribute at all. But the new pension obligations are really onerous. Employers should probably start planning eighteen months in advance as the new rules are mind-bogglingly difficult. Setting up a scheme, explaining it to staff, enrolling them and paying into it will all take up management time.

    Indeed, pension contributions are only part of the extra burden facing businesses. The administration and compliance costs will probably come as a terrible shock. The complexities of the auto-enrolment rules are evidenced by the fact that the Pensions Regulator has issued two hundred pages of guidance. Even if no workers stay in the scheme, the costs of setting it up will be significant and failure to comply could lead to large fines or criminal prosecution.

    Employers must choose a pension scheme which meets approved minimum requirements, with suitable investment options and charges. This can be an employer�s existing scheme, a new pension arrangement, or the government-backed national scheme called NEST.

    All employers have a legal auto-enrolment start date. The largest firms are first, with smaller employers starting between 2015 and 2017. All eligible workers (called ‘eligible jobholders’) must be enrolled into their pension scheme by this so-called ‘staging date’.

    Unfortunately, identifying these ‘eligible jobholders’ is not straightforward. Those aged 22 to 65 and earning over a minimum level must all be enrolled, and younger, older or lower-earning workers must also be put into the pension scheme if they request it. Contractors and agency workers may also be eligible, if they meet certain criteria.

    Employers must deduct pension contributions from all enrolled workers’ earnings and also pay in an employer contribution. Initially, the total contributed will be at least two per cent of their earnings between the lower and higher National Insurance thresholds, rising to eight per cent by 2018.

    And auto-enrolment is not a one-off exercise. Every month, the employer must assess its workers again in case some become newly eligible. Low earners may receive a bonus or extra pay that will lift them above the minimum eligibility threshold. Some may reach age 22 and have to be enrolled for the first time. Employers will have to ensure their payroll system can cope with the auto-enrolment rules. And every three years, each worker must be automatically re-enrolled and has to opt out again if they still don�t want to belong.

    It is important to stress that it is illegal to encourage workers to opt out. Offering a pay rise instead of the pension contribution, or suggesting they should not stay in the pension scheme, is against the law. Even flexible benefits systems could be construed as inducements to opt out, so care must be taken with all communications.

    Pensions will be a major burden for employers in the next few years and many small and medium-sized firms will struggle with the new rules. Finding advice to help with auto-enrolment could take time to organise, so don’t leave it too late.

    Any employer who has not started thinking about auto-enrolment yet, needs to get on with it.

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