Nearly half of women fear lack of funds in retirement
WOMEN AT GREATER RISK OF REITREMENT INSECURITY: Ros is quoted in Professional Pensions warning that women have been the poor relations in pensions for too long.
WOMEN AT GREATER RISK OF REITREMENT INSECURITY: Ros is quoted in Professional Pensions warning that women have been the poor relations in pensions for too long.
WOMEN FEAR INSUFFICIENT PENSION: Ros is quoted in Professional Pensions about the problems facing women who lack confidence in their retirement financial security.
WHEN WILL WOMEN GET FAIRER PENSION TREATMENT: Ros wrote a column for Money Marketing explaining that women need better pensions and too often lose out from policies that are stacked against them.
Life Expectancy Trends Don’t Support Accelerated State Pension Age Rise: Ros is quoted in the Guardian explaining why she agrees with the Government that further state pension age rises should be delayed. ( link to pdf )
Women’s Pensions So Much Lower Than Men’s: Ros wrote a Comment article for the Guardian, discussing why the gender pensions gap remains so wide, even as the gender pay gap has narrowed. ( link to pdf )
inews quotes Ros expressing concerns about the costs and uncertainty of Judicial Review for WASPI women.
Ros spoke in the House of Lords urging the Government to abandon its approach to revoking EU laws that protect women’s working and pension rights.
Ros was interviewed on BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour talking about women’s pension issues.
Pensions Age quotes Ros talking about a Cushon study showing only 1 in 7 women think they have enough retirement savings. ( link to pdf )
Cushon research quotes Ros talking about the gender pensions gap and women not saving enough for retirement. ( link to pdf )